Jane Bailey

  • Instrument


  • Outside of BPO, what is your occupation?

    Started as a special needs teacher in the 80s and always loved using music to stimulate and help children enjoy their learning. 

    15 years ago I moved into music teaching around Warwickshire schools and particularly loved delivering whole class violin and recorder sessions!  In 2019 I retired and now work part time in a library, doing lots of singing with babies and toddlers as well as serving customers and putting books away In alphabetical order!

  • How long have you been a member of BPO?

    Since 2012

  • What inspired you to take up your instrument?

    My first primary school music teacher, the late Dr. Alan Barnes, was passionate about children having opportunities to play instruments. He taught us how to read funny black dots and squiggles using recorders. 

    As an 8 year old I watched a secondary school pupil perform to us on violin. I then kept asking Mr Barnes  if I could learn violin and was lucky to be given this opportunity. From primary school to secondary  school and adulthood music has been my favourite hobby. 

    Viola was a progression made ten years ago when I was asked if I’d play viola in a show. I took on the challenge and by the end of the week had learned to read in the viola clef! I had also fallen in love with the viola! 

  • How did you come to join the orchestra?

    I play violin with Lichfield Sinfonia and Saxophone with Force Ten Big Band. I wanted an opportunity to play more viola now I am retired. A facebook post asking for viola players at BPO popped up. I followed this up and am thrilled to now be an official part if the viola section!

  • Most treasured occasion with the BPO?

    My first concert! I had not done an audition but was delighted to have a least one opportunity to play with BPO. My audition two weeks later was successful and I was beyond delighted to be officially welcomed into the viola section. 

  • Any moments you would rather forget?

    Not yet!

  • Favourite composer? Least favourite composer?

    I love playing Beethoven Symphonies. Don’t really have a least favourite composer.

  • Work(s) you would like to play before you die?

    Mozart’s Bassoon Concerto

    Wagner , Ride of the Valkyries

    Love Actually with me in the live orchestra!

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