I work in the sound and video departments on large scale theatre productions. Making noise is both my profession and my hobby.
Since 2013
I've been making rhythms on things since I had control of my limbs. My aunt gave me a toy drum kit for christmas and the deal was done.
My parents, who both have a musical background, were wonderfully supportive of me taking over most of a room with various bits of percussion equipment and in transporting me and percussion all over the place in musical endeavours.
I've been depping for various orchestras around Brum since I moved here 10 years ago, alongside more regular playing in brass bands. Just before covid struck I was in the beginning stages of trying out with BPO, but fate intervened. In 2023 I was depping for another local orchestra and was invited to come along and help out for a concert. I felt very at home at BPO and the leadership didn't object to my musicality, so I joined!
The finale of Beethoven 9 at Birmingham Town Hall, with the choir behind me, and the orchestra in front. An aural treat!
None yet, but I'm sure time will provide some...
I'm enjoying the work of Jon Leifs at the moment, a 20th century Icelandic composer, but my home favourites are Berlioz, Sibelius, and Tchaichovsky.
I find it hard to pick a least favourite, I wouldn't often choose to listen to Liszt or Chopin, but have enjoyed performing their works.
I'd love to play in Berlioz's epic Grande Messe des Morts. Featuring 16 timpani with 10 players, 10 pairs of cymbals, 4 tam tams, and 2 bass drums.
Next year please maestro?
BPO is a registered charity 1193786
Royal Birmingham Conservatoire 200 Jennens Rd, Birmingham B4 7XR